Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's Such A Beautiful Thing Pt. 2

Life is such a funny thing... One of my best friends is someone I literally grew up with. It was a friendship that developed because of many variables. For instance, our families are both made up of Trinidadian immigrants who were not only friends, but shared the same dreams and ambitions. So there was this cultural bond in addition to all things kids love. It went deeper than that too because it's always been a family affair. I call his uncle, "Uncle". We spent holidays together. I'm sure if I look hard enough I can find the yellow Tonka truck his aunt got me for Christmas one year. Long story short, we grew apart. For what reason, no one knows, but we spent a considerable amount of time out of each other lives.

Fast forward to a few years ago. He and I had a really random meeting, and reconnected as if we never missed a beat. As we started catching up, we discovered we shared alot of the same experiences and likes. From going to private high schools to our obsession for all things Ralph Lauren. It's as if we were headed to the same destination, but took different routes. Tragically, he lost his dad, who I knew and have very fond memories of, shortly after. Funny enough, I got to see his dad right before he passed. God is always present y'all because that was a blessing. We even spoke about it after. I thought to myself, was it scripted in the tarot cards that I'd come back in his life to help him cope since losing a parent is also an experience we now share?

So I was with him the other night and thought, "the irony of our situation". Just as we lost contact, reconnected, and are back at one, so are our parents. I thought to myself that his dad and my mom are having a drink in Heaven catching up on old times too. It's such a beautiful thing....

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