Wednesday, December 24, 2008

While On My Hiatus...

I've been thinking about alot, and obviously music is at the forefront of my mind. I've been reassessing what I've accomplished in the past few months, and I appreciate everything all the blogs and fans have done to help me get here. To say I was flattered when I found a thread titled "The Incomparable Shakespeare is ILL" on Nobodysmiling is a complete understatement. Just seeing how folks started co-signing more and more as weeks went by meant the world to me, so thank you. Thanks Meka, Shake, BK Cyph, Junie, Young Legend, Jason, Billie, Forrest, Large, DJ Daddy Mack, Timm, Jay Smooth, and everybody that contributed. But even with making a cool run from September to November on the blogs and net, I'm even more optimistic for '09. Since the holidays began, I figured I'd fall back a bit. I've looked at what was successful, what could have been executed better, and where I failed. If I were to give myself a grade, it would probably be a B. By all measures that's acceptable, but remember you're talking to someone who graduated Summa Cum Laude. So through my eyes, there's room for a lot of improvement. See you in a bit. Happy Holidays. 1

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